Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Windows 8 Ramping Up Slowly But Surely

I noticed an article in the news this week about Windows 8 and the slow gains it has made on the PC market. According to an article on, although the gains have been steadily growing each month, so far Windows 8 has only taken 2.26% of the market share. By comparison, Windows 7, its older counterpart, took 7.7% of market share during the same timeframe when it launched in 2009.

There are some good reasons for this slow uptake. For one thing, Windows 7 was not a disruptive and completely new way of operating a PC like Windows 8 is.

Microsoft currently has a corner on the traditional operating system market, at 84% between Windows 7 and Windows XP, so a majority of PC users are very comfortable with this model. And while some of the functionality of both these operating systems is starting to become outdated, making the switch may be expensive and difficult to implement, particularly at large companies where many users need training.

For another, Windows 8 has launched in a time of heavy competition. Apple, Android and others have tablets on the market with less functionality than a Surface, but with the benefit of  a lower price point. In addition, people often use their phones for much of the functions they traditionally would have needed a PC for.

While this might sound like doom and gloom, we all know touch is here to stay.

Microsoft has shown itself able, time and again, to roll with the punches and stay current, particularly as they are moving towards periodic updates to the 2013 Windows operating system, rather than big launches every few years delaying bug fixes. As the business world becomes more used to the idea of incorporating touch into everyday work habits, most of them will probably stick with the brand they’re comfortable with.

If your company is evaluating how Windows 8 might play a role in their systems strategy going forward, check out four Windows 8 tips shared by one of Entrance’s senior developers…


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