Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Creating Contour Plots in Spotfire for Drilling Optimization

Utilizing contour plots in Spotfire to simplify drilling plans

With custom contour plots in Spotfire, drilling engineers can change the values of any two independent parameters (X & Y axes) to find the combination of those values that produce the best results for a third (Z). In this case, we look at the combination of bit RPM and weight on bit to see which combination produces the best rate of penetration for this type of formation.

Contour plots in Spotfire for drilling engineers

Typically, in order to recognize patterns that would help optimize the plan to drill a new well, drilling engineers need to compare two variables across multiple Excel spreadsheets to determine an intersect value. Additionally, they have to create a new spreadsheet for each set of variables. This works, but it takes a lot of extra time that the engineer could spend making decisions. This can delay the start of drilling a well, and the manual manipulation of the data introduces the risk of errors that could create problems during drilling.

Using a visualization tool like Spotfire paired with TERR Engine, we can use the information gathered from previously drilled wells in the same/similar formation to create Spotfire contour plots which help us evaluate similar drilling parameters and formulate an ideal drilling plan for a future well. There’s no question that this helps reduce the amount of time it takes to start producing both prior to and during drilling.

The uses for a contour plot in Spotfire extend well beyond typical drilling parameters. Our clients find that they can use this for evaluating other performance variables for things like health & safety of workers by looking at the number of hours on the job versus the number of accidents to determine correlation and reduce risk in the future.

The initial creation of the contour plot in Spotfire usually requires advanced understanding of the Spotfire platform. Entrance’s Spotfire consultants can typically get this set up for a client in a couple of weeks, after which it will be incredibly easy for you to swap out variables for new drilling plans.

Call me today to get a custom TIBCO Spotfire contour plot for your team:

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