Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Energy Software Reporting: Surfacing Production Data with SharePoint

Energy Software Reporting

Production reports, even with the help of sophisticated energy software, are nothing new for the oil and gas industry. Enabling access to these reports and keeping them up to date can be an issue, however.

For one Entrance client, production data used to be tracked using an Access database. Sharing a weekly activity report with stakeholders was a hassle because IT had to manually export this report and email a large PDF to the team.

Time Savings Justified the Investment

Over time, the hours required for multiple people to support the Access database and share reports out to the team added up significantly. Entrance was hired to convert the database to SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services). SSRS was then integrated with SharePoint.

SharePoint pulls data from the client’s production reporting system, Tow/cs and integrates it with other up-to-date numbers to create a weekly activity report. A link to this aggregated production summary is automatically emailed to everyone concerned on a weekly basis.

Self-Service Software

This new solution has a lower total cost of ownership because it is self-service. Users can log into SharePoint to change subscriptions to reports.

Production ReportingIn addition, employees can also look at these up-to-date reports anytime to change the data parameters (for example, a monthly overview instead of weekly). Where needed, they can also drill down into the data.

Lease Compliance

Now that the production data is aggregated in a central, easy to access location, the client can also use it to make better decisions in other departments. For example, the zero production report alerts stake holders to cases where a lack of production could be putting the company at risk of breaking lease provisions (i.e. cessation of production clauses).

Major benefits to energy software reporting

The client has seen immediate benefits from investing in this solution. Three main areas stand out:

  • Access: Employees access needed reports using their iPads
  • Integration: SSRS seamlessly integrated with SharePoint
  • Effort: This new process eliminated a huge amount of manual effort for the IT staff

For more on how we have helped E&P clients develop custom energy software reporting solutions, read this case study!

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