Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Entrance Quoted at the Houston Tech Fest by Chinese Media

Entrance is excited about the coming launch of Windows 8. At Tech Fest, there was some buzz about how it will change how we use technology and what it means for Microsoft. Entrance’s marketing manager, Laura ten Bloemendal was quoted there by CNC Media in their “Lifestyle Bites”:

“The Windows 8 is coming out in October. That’s driving a lot of companies to do a lot of changes. Then they are thinking about what their systems are doing right now. It’ s a very high-level topic in the industry at the moment. They are thinking about what’ s coming next. And when you do that, you have to have very specific business drivers behind it. I think that’ s what is driving all these people to talk so much. It’ s going to justify the investment and the technology that will then pay off.”

You can read more about Windows 8 and how Entrance thinks it will fit into the business world here.

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