Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Key Performance Indicators: Where to Start?

Key performance indicators are metrics that let you know how your business is doing. Most people are collecting this information already somewhere within their company. But generally it is not broken down by department or in a place where key stakeholders can access it and take action. Is your company currently trying to tackle this issue, or just thinking about it?

From my experience in gathering requirements from clients as we kickoff dash-boarding and SharePoint projects, one thing I like to do is cover these questions:

  • Which spreadsheets are you opening and editing every day?
  • What gets e-mailed around the most?
  • Who are you reaching out to in order to get this information?
  • How does your boss like for your presentations to be rolled up?
  • Is this information mappable?

You don’t have to have answer all of those questions, but this is a great way to get started thinking about the indicators in your company. Download our key performance indicator worksheet here.

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