Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Oil and Gas Software: Top Concerns from Merrick Users

Getting the Most from Oil and Gas Software

A few weeks ago, several Entrance software consultants attended an event on oil and gas software, the Merrick MUG user conference. We’ve already covered this event in a blog post on knowing when to upgrade energy software.

During the afternoon session on priority setting, the Merrick team led the group in a discussion on their concerns related to the software they use on a daily basis.

Since many of these concerns apply to the needs of knowledge workers across the oil and gas industry, we are sharing some of the most relevant ones here!

Top Oil and Gas Software Concerns

  • Real-time data

Oil and gas software: real time dataUp until a few years ago, real-time data was unheard of. Now that it is becoming more and more standard, oil and gas software users expect the same level of functionality. This provides almost instant access to a granular insight.

Real time equals a huge influx of data, and while it’s great to have it, you also have to know what to do with it! Check out this post to find out how to narrow the flow of data into something you can interpret and take action on.

  • Ability to create reports without IT knowledge

Merrick has been working to improve the user friendliness of their reporting, but like any system, it can be complicated. Simpler interfaces and capabilities like drag and drop can help a lot.

Check out this page for a few signs that your reporting capabilities are missing the mark.

  • Ability to get messages to people out in the field

Shale drilling is taking place in increasingly remote locations. It’s important to be able to communicate with team members no matter their distance.

This is one issue that Merrick is working on tackling for their user base.

  • Database performance, archival, and indexing

Many companies underestimate the power of a well-maintained database. Without this, it can be difficult to find needed information. In addition, your company may be incurring unnecessary IT costs.

For more on proper database planning, check out our post on indexing.

  • Ability to use mobile devices out in the field and have this data integrate with software

As mentioned above, remote locations can present some interesting connectivity challenges, particularly when it comes to internet access. This is another issues Merrick is actively working on.

For more on how our clients have tackled the issue of field data capture, check out this case study!

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