Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Orient: Don’t fly blind

Your data at-a-glance and flagged for action with SharePoint 2010.

You’re busy. The faster you can make informed decisions, the better. Every moment you spend poring over charts and numbers is a moment that could have gone to changing your business for the better. Even with the absolute best data available, if it’s not in a form that gives you immediate insight into what to do, you are losing valuable time. You should always know exactly where to get the latest, best information. And that data should immediately guide a decision.

Situational awareness drives decisions that mean the life or death of your business. A good dashboard is essential to any fighter pilot’s ability to orient within the Air Force ‘Observe, Orient, Decide, Act loop’. Dashboards display the information you need most at-a-glance so that you’re poised for action. With key performance indicators that flag items needing attention, spend your time on what matters most.

Every business has a set of metrics that tell you the direction you’re headed, whether you’re on the right path, and what you need to look out for along the way. We listen carefully to what drives your decisions and then customize your tools to reflect the way you work. Unleash SharePoint’s true power with PerformancePoint; dashboards and custom key performance indicators (KPIs) based on real-time data – either from SharePoint itself or from integrated line of business systems. Critical gauges put you in the pilot’s seat and direct your attention to the action most vital to your business.

UP NEXT: Decide

Make decisions based on the full picture, not just what’s in front of you.

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