Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Entrance Q3: Software Consulting Wrap-Up

Software Consultants in Oil & Gas

As we look towards 2014, Entrance has spent Q3 preparing to grow as the market leader in oil and gas software. To that end, we created and followed through on a number of new initiatives that will help to grow and improve the company.

Goals for our software consulting organization in Q3 included:

  • Growing our team with a goal of two people per week
  • Building out partner relationships
  • Re-vamped bonus structure for team members
  • Improved project management processes

These initiatives should provide the basis for better employee retention and happier clients.

Q4 Entrance Consulting Initiatives

Moving into Q4, we will continue to grow the Entrance consulting team to meet the needs of our many projects. In addition, the company is moving forward with goals to create an energy software lab and database.

One particular focus for the month of October is to find strategies that will improve the quality of our work for clients even more! For an inside view on our internal discussions on this topic, check out our ongoing blog series from the software consultants themselves!

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