Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Visual Studio 2012 now supports code reviews via TFS 2012: Software Consulting Tip

Software consulting and custom software development requires that we keep up with new technology. As such, I wanted to share a best practice related to Visual Studio and Code Review.

The basic process for the reviewer is:

1. Identify a changeset you wish to review and double click it to show the changeset details in Team Explorer
2. Request Review












3. Submit Request












4. Add comments, e.g. add a comment to a particular line in a file as shown here:









5.Save the comment and then send

Next, the reviewee needs to accept the Code Review and make any responses and if finished reviewing, close the review:

1. In Visual Studio, go to the Home tab in Team Explorer of the reviewed project and then click My Work

2.Click on the incoming review (has an incoming arrow to the left of it)6




3. Find the file comments and click on the file to see the highlighted line the comment is related to


4.Reply to the comment if needed












5. Save and if finished, close the review and you’re done!












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