Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

What is Software Engineering?

I recently gave  a presentation to students at Rice University on the topic of careers in software, with a particular focus on software engineering and software consulting.

In addition to outling the kinds of degrees and training that are required to work in the software business, I explained how software engineering is starting to become a respected field in the world of engineering, with the first ever licensing exam taking place this April.

That means that although software engineering used to be sort of ad-hoc, make it up as you go along, professionals in the field are now increasingly applying many of the same systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches to developing software that other engineers in fields like mechanical or civil engineering do.

For more on how Entrance implements these engineering practices, visit the Software Development Methodology section of our website!

PresentationI also discussed one real world application for software engineering and consulting. Software consultants use software to solve problems, with three main focuses:

All of these areas provide value to customers and help them find the best possible solution available for their specific problem.

For students or recent graduates looking to get a job in the software industry, I shared four things that I wish someone would have told me when I was just graduating:

  • Learn about business
  • Individuals can make a big difference at a small business
  • Know database fundamentals
  • Know about database internals

Looking for your own place in the software field? Check out Entrance’s software career openings and benefits here!

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